keyfreeze chomikuj
keyfreeze chomikuj

KeyFreeze–這是一款能夠鎖住鍵盤與滑鼠的軟體,下載好程式打開便會自動倒數五秒鐘,時間到後就會幫你鎖定住,如此一來可避免工作到一半,被小孩或家中寵物誤觸而造成資料不見 ...,KeyFreezeisaFREEWindowsapplicationthatblocksyourkeyboardandmousewithoutlockingt...

BlueLife KeyFreeze 1.4 - Download, Review, Screenshots


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KeyFreeze – 這是一款能夠鎖住鍵盤與滑鼠的軟體,下載好程式打開便會自動倒數五秒鐘,時間到後就會幫你鎖定住,如此一來可避免工作到一半,被小孩或家中寵物誤觸而造成資料不見 ...


KeyFreeze is a FREE Windows application that blocks your keyboard and mouse without locking the screen. So your kids can safely watch a cartoon or have a ...

Download KeyFreeze for Windows

評分 5.0 (1) · 免費 · Windows Download the latest version of KeyFreeze for Windows. Lock your keyboard and mouse with a quick double-click. KeyFreeze is a simple application that...

Download BlueLife KeyFreeze

BlueLife KeyFreeze is a lightweight and straightforward application for blocking keyboard and mouse usage without the need to lock your screen.

Download BlueLife KeyFreeze 1.4

評分 5.0 (7) BlueLife KeyFreeze is a lightweight and straightforward application for blocking keyboard and mouse usage without the need to lock your screen.

BlueLife KeyFreeze

BlueLife KeyFreeze 使用分享:. 這個軟體只有Windows 能使用,免安裝多國語系,支援繁體中文,直接到首頁下方點Download。

BlueLife KeyFreeze 1.4 - Download, Review, Screenshots

評分 3.8 (21) · 免費 · Windows BlueLife KeyFreeze is a small utility that enables you to lock your keyboard and mouse separately or together without locking your screen at the same time.

Download KeyFreeze 1.4 for Windows

KeyFreeze is a simple, portable utility for blocking the functioning of your computer's mouse and keyboard without locking the Windows screen itself.

Download BlueLife KeyFreeze v1.4

KeyFreeze is a FREE Windows application that blocks your keyboard and mouse without locking the screen. So your kids can safely watch a cartoon or have a ...

BlueLife KeyFreeze v1.4 (Block keyboard and mouse)

KeyFreeze is a basic keyboard locking tool that lets you lock a keyboard and mouse without locking the screen. Designed for children - not ...


KeyFreeze–這是一款能夠鎖住鍵盤與滑鼠的軟體,下載好程式打開便會自動倒數五秒鐘,時間到後就會幫你鎖定住,如此一來可避免工作到一半,被小孩或家中寵物誤觸而造成資料不見 ...,KeyFreezeisaFREEWindowsapplicationthatblocksyourkeyboardandmousewithoutlockingthescreen.Soyourkidscansafelywatchacartoonorhavea ...,評分5.0(1)·免費·WindowsDownloadthelatestversionofKeyFreezeforWindows.Lockyourkeyboardandmousewith...